Distinguished Service Award
Rotary International has long been recognized as preeminent among service clubs. Its projects local, national, and international have been of immeasurable value to countless millions of every race, creed, and color. It is therefore fitting that our club’s top annual recognition, the Distinguished Service Award, be heavily oriented toward community service.
Our Committee is responsible for selecting the recipient of our Annual Distinguished Service Award. The criteria for the award are listed below:
- Proficient resident of El Paso and well known in the community as one who has made significant contributions to the betterment of the city and/or an important segment of its population.
- Her/his contributions can be easily identified and recognized.
- Her/his actions in the public sphere should be in general concert with the Four-Way Test.
- Her/his integrity and character should be of the highest order.

2021 Award Recipient: Dorothy Quinn
Every effort will be made to achieve maximum publicity. The realization of this goal will assure honor and recognition to the recipient and, in the process, will further public understanding of Rotary International and, specifically, our own club.
Representatives of the print and electronic media will be invited to be our guests at lunch and will be provided with press kits containing photos and biographical material of the recipient, as well as fact sheets about the Rotary Club of El Paso, our Foundation, the criteria used in the selection, previous winners of the Award, supporting data on the current selectees accomplishments.